My pastor was a man blessed of God. His life and Mom’s (Sister Ward) life is and was a great love affair with the God of our Salvation. I have written about the love affair that Elder had with God; always teaching, always preaching and always loving. He loved hard. This is the man, who preached the Sovereign Grace of our God.
He had a deep desire--a yearning, to make the scripture clear. To expose the God of the Bible…He that hath ears to hear, let him hear!
I was blessed just to have heard the True God of the Bible preached by this great pastor. He was burdened, that sometimes fifty percent of the church was not saved. So what did he do? He preached Christ crucified for the sins of the elect, and labored in the word; in constant prayer over his flock to the last breath I am told. As if I didn’t already know.
Which leads me; to where I am going to take us with this entry. Sister Ward a blessed woman of God, a true help meet to the Pastor of the Main Church. I have known many pastors, but there has never been one with a wife like Sister Ward is and was to Elder. She is a learned woman in the Word of God. She has spent her life in the service of our LORD. She’s still on the battle field. She stands for Grace.
A first class lady, a first class teacher, a first class wife, and saints a first class mother to many sons who stand in the Gospel Ministry of God’s Free and Sovereign Grace!
When I was a young man, a boy in high school; she walked into Pop’s office one day: I knew and could tell before she uttered a word that she was Elder’s wife. She walks like, talks like, looks like and is a Godly woman.
You know, she is one of the sweetest of things in the earth: truly a woman, sincere (without wax) in her Christian walk; and to me the model of what it is to be a Christian Woman. Sola Gratia
Elder D.J. Ward
![Elder D.J. Ward](
Monday, November 10, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Not Just My Pastor, My "Pop"
I have so many stories that I want to tell, and the memory of them don’t always come in order of their occurrences. The Thursday of the memorial service opened a flood gate of memories, and here is another sweet memory from my personal time with Pop. It was about a month since I was welcomed to the Feast of Lord, going on at the Main Street Church. Elder ask me if I could come by his office early that following Tuesday (Just before Bible Study) so we could talk. I told him that I’d get out of school early and would be there. He said to be there at 2:45. So, I did.I had on a green suit, a button down shirt, and some sandals. He welcomed me into his office and greeted me with his hug and holy kiss. He was having lunch, and told me to sit down and he started talking to me.Son, do you notice any difference in your brothers and yourself? I told him, yes sir, I don’t dress like them. I was embarrassed, and my voice was shaking. He stopped eating and came over to me, and said he loved me. But, son a preacher ought to be dressed Holy, not worldly. “Do you have a tie, or dress shoes son?” I told him no, that my mom and dad couldn’t afford to buy me anything like that. Pop had tears in his eyes. And, that night my Brothers, now Elder Henry Watson, and Elder Kevin Smith came in with 3 suits, some ties, and a host of shirts. After Bible Study Elder Spotts went home and came back with a black pair of Stacy Adams lace up boots.I started dressing, with a suit and tie that day, even though they were hand-me-down I thought they were priceless because of who gave them to me.Moving ahead in time, to a little more than one week before I was to be licensed to the Gospel Ministry, Pop told me that I needed to be at his office by 2:00 that Friday, he needed me to go somewhere with him. I ask him where we were going, he said, “Son, just be here.” So I was there at the time I was told to be.We went to the Lexington Mall, and I followed him into Dawhares. I thought he was going to get a new tie or something. But, he said son get up here on this box. He picked out a suit and asked Bill, the man working there if he could have it all ready before my initial sermon. I told him that I loved him, and we laughed, cried and hugged right there in Dawhares.The Sunday afternoon of my Initial Sermon Pop said, “Son, here’s your suit, and Sister Flo has a little gift that she wants to bless you with.” She bought me the most wonderful tie set, it was very colorful and in good taste (that goes with out saying) Pop said, “Go home and eat, get some rest, and have some prayer time to yourself.”Pop bought me the first new suit I ever owned, I still have that suit and the tie set that Sis. Flo got me. They’ve been preserved and put up. One day I pray to be able to tell My Sons this and other stories about the Greatest Pastor of this time.
Elder, Ches and The Duck
Elder was a teacher at all times. It was on a Tuesday afternoon, and Elder was teaching and trying me for my initial sermon. He looked at me and said “Son, let's take a walk.” So we did. So, those of you who have been to Main Street, know that the church back up to a large parking lot. And so we took to the lot for a stroll. At the edge of this parking lot was a dirty and stagnant stream full of debris and swimming therein was a duck.Pop, put his hand in the air and said, “Ches, thank God for this duck.” I didn’t know what to say. He asked me, “Son, why isn’t that ducks feathers weighed down by the water?” and he gave a shout, “oh, glory, Ches, why hasn’t it drowned in all that mess?” I kept my mouth shut because I knew that his question didn’t require a response from me. Pop, went on and taught me a great truth through a duck.Son, that ducks wings has an oil coating that beads up water and pushes it away. That oil keeps the duck afloat in all that mess. Son, you’ll drown in life’s mess, unless you are coated with….with the Gospel. Oh, the Gospel of God’s Sovereign Grace. Son, you have to study it. Meditate in it, Wrestle with it, Stu…..dy it daily and Chesley Woodrum PREACH IT!He talked to me and told me that Sundays are most important. But Son, always come to Tuesday night Bible Study, that’s where the oil of the Gospel that your feathers need to stay afloat in life’s messes will be applied.He, had tears in his eyes, put his hands up in the air and waved at God. He brought his sweet and holy arm around me, and said, “You’re my duck, son let’s go to Bible Study.”And that’s a lesson from a duck.
Elder D.J. Ward
I was a young boy when I was drawn to The Main Church in Lexington, KY. I had meandered in the doors of the church on a Tuesday night Bible Study. Why? I didn’t know at the time. Elder finished the Bible Study and closed it with the song, “I love the Lord”. He greeted me and talked to me for about fifteen minutes. At the conclusion of our conversation he said, “Come back and see us again some time”. I had no immediate intention of coming back. Nevertheless, the following Sunday, I was on my way to my home church, and ended up parked in the back at The Main Church. I went to the back door and waiting on me was Pop. He said, “I was told to be expecting you this morning.” He took me up into his office where all of the brethren were preparing for the morning service. I was received with great love by the Pastor and the brethren. We left the office to head out for Church, as Holy Business was about to commence. Afterward I was ushered into the office, and I experienced the love of my Pastor and Brother Ministers. I had never in my young life been so loved by almost complete strangers. As we were all departing from morning service to go home to rest, the Pastor said, “I’ll see you tonight.”He took me in, taught me the Sovereign and most Holy God of the Bible full of Grace, Loved me, and licensed me to the Gospel Ministry of our Lord.Main Street became my home. Elder loved me like I was his flesh and blood, He ADOPTED me, and called me son. He was Holy unto the Lord. I took him with me when I left the Main Church, and I preach Christ. Glory to God, he sent me by the Main Church, and into the arms of a loving, firm, and steadfast Pastor.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Sovereign Grace! Dying Grace!
I can not tell you how many times, while I was at Main Street that Pop said, “If you can praise him on your feet, you ought to praise him on the sheets.”
We all know, that in the good we’ll praise him wholly, but when the bad comes and our finances are failing, marriages crumbling, or you’re laying in the hospital bed dying; well, you find out a lot about the who is and who’s not the Called according to HIS purpose.
I used to wake my mom in the mornings before I’d get off to school. I’d have a cup of coffee ready for her, and would ask her how she was feeling. She’d just say, “Well I’m here, but.” And she’d stop with that.
I never stopped to think about just what it was that she was saying. But, after mom had been under the teaching of the greatest orator of the scripture of modern times, her talk became all so clear, even to those in our family who didn’t understand.
In the mornings, the talk would be I’m ready to go, or ready to stay. Mom and I would start our days at the dining room table, her asking me to pray and read a chapter from the Old while she’d read a chapter from the New Testament. She didn’t care who was there; and every morning, that’s how it went.
One morning as we sat at the table, she said, (drookey, my moms nick name for me) when the time comes, and it’s not long now, I want you to preach my funeral. I told her that I wasn’t an Elder, and could not. She replied, “Honor your father and mother.”
I told her that I loved her and had to get to the bus stop, and scurried out. I didn’t want to think about mom dying.
Was Monday May 8 1995, Mom celebrated her 50th birthday, was a grand day for a grand woman.
Tuesday May 9, Mom was rushed to the U.K. Hospital she had a mild heart attack. The Doctors tried on Friday May 12 to get her to allow them to do another triple bypass. She declined, not one doctor but 7. The last one told her, I don’t think you understand you will die without this surgery, and soon. She replied, “No, I’ll just start living.”
She was discharged from U.K. Hospital at noon that Friday. We had her home a few minutes after. She was tucked into bed by the immediate family members.
I lay at the side of her bed crying and praying. She woke up around 09:00 that night, and I was in the floor. I, looked up at her and said, “Momma, is it time to go?” She had tears in her eyes, and shook her head yes. I ask her if I could talk to her, just yes and no questions. She nodded her approval. I asked her if she was ready. She nodded yes. I asked her if she was afraid, she shook her head no. I said, “Mom do you, love me?” I had to hear it because I could see that she was heading home. She replied, “You know I love you”, She started to loose her breath as her lungs were full of fluid.
She asked for someone to call 911. So we did. The ambulance got to the house and got her on the stretcher. When they were about to load her into the ambulance, she got her left hand and arm free from the straps, waved to the God of Glory and said, “I’m ready, come take me home.” And he did. The fireman on the ambulance told me at the hospital, I’ve never seen that before. Who asks to die? I said, “A saint of the Living God.” Well, he said, that very same God, took her about three minutes later.
Elder had said “He’ll give you dying grace.” The Gospel of Sovereign Grace, that Elder taught, preached, lived and breathed – Saints, it’ll keep you and sustain you in life, even unto death. We (momma and me) would never have known, the true Sovereign God of the Bible, had HE not carried me to Elder.
We all know, that in the good we’ll praise him wholly, but when the bad comes and our finances are failing, marriages crumbling, or you’re laying in the hospital bed dying; well, you find out a lot about the who is and who’s not the Called according to HIS purpose.
I used to wake my mom in the mornings before I’d get off to school. I’d have a cup of coffee ready for her, and would ask her how she was feeling. She’d just say, “Well I’m here, but.” And she’d stop with that.
I never stopped to think about just what it was that she was saying. But, after mom had been under the teaching of the greatest orator of the scripture of modern times, her talk became all so clear, even to those in our family who didn’t understand.
In the mornings, the talk would be I’m ready to go, or ready to stay. Mom and I would start our days at the dining room table, her asking me to pray and read a chapter from the Old while she’d read a chapter from the New Testament. She didn’t care who was there; and every morning, that’s how it went.
One morning as we sat at the table, she said, (drookey, my moms nick name for me) when the time comes, and it’s not long now, I want you to preach my funeral. I told her that I wasn’t an Elder, and could not. She replied, “Honor your father and mother.”
I told her that I loved her and had to get to the bus stop, and scurried out. I didn’t want to think about mom dying.
Was Monday May 8 1995, Mom celebrated her 50th birthday, was a grand day for a grand woman.
Tuesday May 9, Mom was rushed to the U.K. Hospital she had a mild heart attack. The Doctors tried on Friday May 12 to get her to allow them to do another triple bypass. She declined, not one doctor but 7. The last one told her, I don’t think you understand you will die without this surgery, and soon. She replied, “No, I’ll just start living.”
She was discharged from U.K. Hospital at noon that Friday. We had her home a few minutes after. She was tucked into bed by the immediate family members.
I lay at the side of her bed crying and praying. She woke up around 09:00 that night, and I was in the floor. I, looked up at her and said, “Momma, is it time to go?” She had tears in her eyes, and shook her head yes. I ask her if I could talk to her, just yes and no questions. She nodded her approval. I asked her if she was ready. She nodded yes. I asked her if she was afraid, she shook her head no. I said, “Mom do you, love me?” I had to hear it because I could see that she was heading home. She replied, “You know I love you”, She started to loose her breath as her lungs were full of fluid.
She asked for someone to call 911. So we did. The ambulance got to the house and got her on the stretcher. When they were about to load her into the ambulance, she got her left hand and arm free from the straps, waved to the God of Glory and said, “I’m ready, come take me home.” And he did. The fireman on the ambulance told me at the hospital, I’ve never seen that before. Who asks to die? I said, “A saint of the Living God.” Well, he said, that very same God, took her about three minutes later.
Elder had said “He’ll give you dying grace.” The Gospel of Sovereign Grace, that Elder taught, preached, lived and breathed – Saints, it’ll keep you and sustain you in life, even unto death. We (momma and me) would never have known, the true Sovereign God of the Bible, had HE not carried me to Elder.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I recall that all of my life, my momma was saved. I was reared in the church by her.
Nonetheless, early in my years under Pop, and the Gospel of God’s Free and Sovereign Grace, we didn’t see eye to eye. She couldn’t get past the teachings of the church that she’d attended for the better part of her life. She believed it a sin for her to speak, wave her hands @ God, or praise him openly in any way.
I talked her into coming by the Main Church one Sunday morning.
She came in and took her seat beside of Elder Kevin Jackson’s wife. Church started and ended without a peep from momma. After church Elder came and met my mom. Elder invited her to come home with Chess anytime. She said on the way home, “Elder’s one of the most strange men I’ve ever met. I could feel the power of God in his greeting and hug.”
Mom kept visiting for quiet some time (even after I was licensed to the Ministry.)
But she was always quiet, and she was somewhat always in pain as she had open heart surgery and never recovered fully from it.
Well, the evening of my initial sermon came. Elder, was presenting me and in the presentation Pop, wanted my family to stand that had come to support me. He asked who they all were. When he got to mom he said, “Sister Woodrum is on the end, and this is Chess’ mom. She’s no visitor, we waiting on her to join anytime now.” And he laughed with that great laugh of jovial love that you just can’t mistake.
Time went on, and mom kept dragging her aching body to The Main House. (Strange how God will make you Go, even when you don't feel like it.) One Sunday morning as the Holy Spirit blew through: We heard, HOLY. HOLY, HOLY, GLORY…
And it was loud! Elder and the preachers were looking over to the right of the church. I was on the left of Pops’ chair getting ready for the preaching. Pop pulled on me. When I stood up he pointed me in the direction of the loud praise. The Gospel of God’s Free and Sovereign Grace had loosed the shackles of the false teachings of man. My mom, stood in the midst of The Most High, and openly praised for the first time in her life in The Main House. After Church mom told me that she’d never knew any feeling on earth like the feeling of being caught up in praise.
Pop, had took the time to love my mom and after Church and Bible Study he would answer her questions. Always Preaching, and Teaching and being a Pastor. Even to those who were not members of The Main Church. (MY MOM)
Nonetheless, early in my years under Pop, and the Gospel of God’s Free and Sovereign Grace, we didn’t see eye to eye. She couldn’t get past the teachings of the church that she’d attended for the better part of her life. She believed it a sin for her to speak, wave her hands @ God, or praise him openly in any way.
I talked her into coming by the Main Church one Sunday morning.
She came in and took her seat beside of Elder Kevin Jackson’s wife. Church started and ended without a peep from momma. After church Elder came and met my mom. Elder invited her to come home with Chess anytime. She said on the way home, “Elder’s one of the most strange men I’ve ever met. I could feel the power of God in his greeting and hug.”
Mom kept visiting for quiet some time (even after I was licensed to the Ministry.)
But she was always quiet, and she was somewhat always in pain as she had open heart surgery and never recovered fully from it.
Well, the evening of my initial sermon came. Elder, was presenting me and in the presentation Pop, wanted my family to stand that had come to support me. He asked who they all were. When he got to mom he said, “Sister Woodrum is on the end, and this is Chess’ mom. She’s no visitor, we waiting on her to join anytime now.” And he laughed with that great laugh of jovial love that you just can’t mistake.
Time went on, and mom kept dragging her aching body to The Main House. (Strange how God will make you Go, even when you don't feel like it.) One Sunday morning as the Holy Spirit blew through: We heard, HOLY. HOLY, HOLY, GLORY…
And it was loud! Elder and the preachers were looking over to the right of the church. I was on the left of Pops’ chair getting ready for the preaching. Pop pulled on me. When I stood up he pointed me in the direction of the loud praise. The Gospel of God’s Free and Sovereign Grace had loosed the shackles of the false teachings of man. My mom, stood in the midst of The Most High, and openly praised for the first time in her life in The Main House. After Church mom told me that she’d never knew any feeling on earth like the feeling of being caught up in praise.
Pop, had took the time to love my mom and after Church and Bible Study he would answer her questions. Always Preaching, and Teaching and being a Pastor. Even to those who were not members of The Main Church. (MY MOM)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
He Could Quiet and Cast Out Demons
I was still yet a baby in the gospel ministry, and my Pastor was very protective of me.
My family and friends in my home life had not been supportive of the Church that the Master decided for me to attend.
I had been crying in earnest to Pop, because of the things that my Brother and Father and some of the extended family members would say to me. The whole race thing came into play for me at a young age.
Finally, I came in to the office after Sunday school and Pop immediately said, “What’s wrong son?” I told him that home life was hard. I remember saying, “Pop, I don’t want to Honor my dad. He doesn’t honor my Father.”
Elder hugged me up and son I’ll take care of this problem. I didn’t know how he’d take care of it, but I knew he would.
My mother listened to the radio broadcast live every Sunday, and would tune in to the delayed television broadcast the next Sunday. I was glad that Pop was going to take care of the problem, So before we went out for Church I called mom and told her that Elder was going to take care of my problem.
Church started and it came time for Pop to make his Pastoral Observations. He finished and waited to go live on the radio and said, “Chess is having some problems with his father, and siblings.” He is young saints, and he’s faithful. We need to pray for his family, and let me tell you Chess’ dad, brother, sister and anybody else in his family that tells him to leave this church because he don’t belong here. “Chess is with his people this morning, or he is with the people of God.” He is as much my son as any preacher at the Main House. He is my baby! Leave him alone. I hope that’s enough said. Along with some other things that he said, I think it was enough.
You know, when I got home momma said, Elder loves you. I turned the radio up so your dad and brother could hear Elder I knew he had something to say. They couldn’t believe that he said that about them. I told them they’re blessed that he didn’t broadcast their names.
From that point on I had fewer problems with those in my family that would cause me great hurt. His voice had Godly authority, that he could quiet and cast out demons.
My family and friends in my home life had not been supportive of the Church that the Master decided for me to attend.
I had been crying in earnest to Pop, because of the things that my Brother and Father and some of the extended family members would say to me. The whole race thing came into play for me at a young age.
Finally, I came in to the office after Sunday school and Pop immediately said, “What’s wrong son?” I told him that home life was hard. I remember saying, “Pop, I don’t want to Honor my dad. He doesn’t honor my Father.”
Elder hugged me up and son I’ll take care of this problem. I didn’t know how he’d take care of it, but I knew he would.
My mother listened to the radio broadcast live every Sunday, and would tune in to the delayed television broadcast the next Sunday. I was glad that Pop was going to take care of the problem, So before we went out for Church I called mom and told her that Elder was going to take care of my problem.
Church started and it came time for Pop to make his Pastoral Observations. He finished and waited to go live on the radio and said, “Chess is having some problems with his father, and siblings.” He is young saints, and he’s faithful. We need to pray for his family, and let me tell you Chess’ dad, brother, sister and anybody else in his family that tells him to leave this church because he don’t belong here. “Chess is with his people this morning, or he is with the people of God.” He is as much my son as any preacher at the Main House. He is my baby! Leave him alone. I hope that’s enough said. Along with some other things that he said, I think it was enough.
You know, when I got home momma said, Elder loves you. I turned the radio up so your dad and brother could hear Elder I knew he had something to say. They couldn’t believe that he said that about them. I told them they’re blessed that he didn’t broadcast their names.
From that point on I had fewer problems with those in my family that would cause me great hurt. His voice had Godly authority, that he could quiet and cast out demons.
Monday, May 5, 2008
I greet you in the name of Christ Jesus, the great head of the Christian Church. I know that, I am SAVED! My calling and election are sure – and on Christ the Solid Rock I’ll stand for Sovereign Grace! I, like my brother (Elder G.M. Spotts) am hurting! I was not a good son to my Pastor. Through, the ignorance of youth, and a hurtful moment that occurred in the church world; I left The Main church and a Pastor who was indeed a preacher of the Gospel, and a Pastor to Pastors. Now, saints, I have lost those years. I could’ve spent my whole youth with the Greatest Preacher since the Apostle Paul. I tell you this story so that you might learn a truth, “Let there be no divisions among you” Through the years that I have been gone, the radio and television has tuned to every broadcast from Main Street Church. I sometimes visited home with my Sister Julia and it was then I was blessed to have told him, back last year, that I loved him, and that I am saved. He patted my hand and held on to it and said that he loved me to. My heart aches tonight. You bet’ not waste your youth on foolishness. Because, no matter what the problem, if you have a pastor, like my Pastor (Elder D.J. Ward) you might get mad at one another, but grace is greater than all the mess in your life!
The fact is if you make it through your youth, as a preacher, without destroying your ministry, it’s because you had or have a pastor, who is a believer and teacher of The Sovereign Grace of God. He is the first to stand by your side in the mess in your life. He would say, “Grace is greater than all your sin. I’m a grace case.”
I still hurt, over not humbling myself, I should have ran to Elder while he was yet still among us, and told him how I yearned for him, how I loved him and how much I needed him to be my teacher. Again, I say, "Don't waste your youth or your twilight years on being foolish." I will always remember my Pastor. I’ll preach the Gospel of Sovereign Grace that my Father in the Ministry traveled this country preaching!
The fact is if you make it through your youth, as a preacher, without destroying your ministry, it’s because you had or have a pastor, who is a believer and teacher of The Sovereign Grace of God. He is the first to stand by your side in the mess in your life. He would say, “Grace is greater than all your sin. I’m a grace case.”
I still hurt, over not humbling myself, I should have ran to Elder while he was yet still among us, and told him how I yearned for him, how I loved him and how much I needed him to be my teacher. Again, I say, "Don't waste your youth or your twilight years on being foolish." I will always remember my Pastor. I’ll preach the Gospel of Sovereign Grace that my Father in the Ministry traveled this country preaching!
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